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"The acronym of our Foundation is SEV, which means love in Turkish. This love includes the love for humanity and the love of service to humankind."


The Health and Education Foundation (SEV) was founded in 1968 by graduates of the American Board Schools: the American Collegiate Institute in İzmir, Tarsus American College and Üsküdar American Academy. The SEV Foundation, which was formed in order to serve Turkey as it developed into the modern country that Atatürk aimed to create, aims to maintain the high-quality health and education services provided by its establishments.


SEV is run by a Board of Trustees, mainly consisting of graduates of American Board Schools, and by a Board of Directors appointed by the Board of Trustees. The members of both boards serve on a voluntary basis. Other functions of the Foundation are carried out by a professional staff working within a framework determined by the establishments.


The SEV establishments, well known due to their success in their respective fields, are: Üsküdar American Academy; the American Collegiate Institute in Izmir; Tarsus American College; SEV American College; Üsküdar SEV Schools; Izmir SEV Schools; Tarsus SEV Schools; and the SEV Printing, Publishing and Education Trading Company.

When the new elementary education law was introduced in 1997, SEV established the SEV Elementary Schools in order to continue at the elementary level the successful educational tradition and service of the American Board High-Schools that stretches back over more than one hundred years.


In 1996 Redhouse Publications was re-established under the SEV Foundation with the name SEV Printing, Publishing and Education Trading Company (SEV-YAY). SEV-YAY, as the inheritor of the Redhouse Dictionaries, operates in the publishing sector.



You can get detailed information about SEV by clicking here.